Hey there fellow (digital) journalists in Europe👋,
wanna get inspired by what your neighbours are working on?
📬 This is a monthlyish newsletter - curating & connecting ideas across European countries & languages.
Should you subscribe?
📍If you’re like me - wondering why you know so much about what’s happening in journalism in the USA, but so little about your neighbouring countries: Ja!
📍If you are just curious and love to discover new projects and perspectives: Oui!
📍If you have a heart for charming spelling mistakes and the odd expression here or there: Yes! (Member of the English-as-a-second-language-Club)
Convinced? 🎉 Yay, then right this way to subscribe:
(Want to know more about me first? Have a look.)

Subscribe to A curious eye on Europe
❤️ digital storytelling, developing formats for new platforms, filling history-gaps by re-telling stories from the overlooked perspective
🙌 Goal for 2024: Knowing more about what my European colleagues are working on.
☕️ Always happy to connect